The FrontDesk add-on is designed for issuing cards to visitors and issuing replacement cards to users at the reception of a company. The application enables simple and rapid issuing of cards, and control over the movement of visitors.

FrontDesk Display of announced visits
The receptionist can choose between previously announced visits or enter a new unannounced guest upon arrival.
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The additional Codeks FrontDesk app enables the issuing of visitor cards and replacement cards for lost user cards.
When visitors arrive, receptionists can select an announced visit or enter an unexpected guest.
Compulsory data that must be entered when a visitor arrives ensure greater control and traceability of visitors within the company.
Employees can announce agreed upon visits in advance. Upon announcement, all involved parties are notified of the announced visit.
The head of the department must approve the announced visit prior to the visitor’s arrival.
The event viewer enables the tracking of visitors inside the company.
* By simultaneously using the Codeks add-on IP Camera it is also possible to display the cameras’ video screenshots in the FrontDesk app.