To optimise working hours, decrease labour costs and, last but not least, ensure a fair workload of the employees, an increasing number of companies are implementing time & attendance systems. With a time attendance record, a company can achieve major savings and at the same time simplify its human resource management.
1. Registration on the controller
Employees register each event (arrival at work, lunch break, departure from work, etc.) on the time & attendance controller. This is achieved by presenting their personal identification means to the controller by the entrance.
Identification means assigned to the employees can vary: contactless cards, key tags, wristbands, etc.
2. Event recording – transferring and server response
The controller transfers the recorded event to the server, where the software for time & attendance is running. The server saves and processes the event. The server response is then displayed on the screen of the time attendance controller, where the employee can immediately check its correctness.
The controller usually transfers the recorded events to the server, but if the connection with the server is temporarily interrupted, the recorded data is stored in the internal memory of the controller and forwarded to the server when the connection is restored.
3. Server with time & attendance record software
The entire time and attendance system is managed by the Codeks TA software for time & attendance, which is running on a local server. All time & attendance controllers are connected to the server and forward events that are used for calculating time & attendance of the employees to the programme.
The Codeks TA program manages the entire system and determines the employees’ working schedules and stores their data.
Operating principle of mobile time registration
1. Time registration using Codeks Mobility
Employees can record time registration events on their mobile device using the Codeks Mobility time registration application. To register their arrival or departure from work, employees simply click Register, which simulates presenting their card to a physical controller.
To record business or private exits during work hours, employees must first activate the appropriate T&A button before registering.
2. Recording the event and forwarding to the server
The Codeks Mobility application will record the event and forward it to the server where the time registration software is running. The server saves and processes the event and sends the response, which is displayed to the employee in a new pop-up window.
If the employee cannot connect to the server at the time of registration, the application will save the event as an unsynchronized event and send it to the server when it reconnects.
3. The Codeks software and the Codeks Virtual Card and Codeks Virtual Controller add-ons
The entire time registration system is managed by the Codeks TA time registration software running on the local server. However, only employees who have a Codeks Virtual Card assigned to them in the system can register time registration events via the Codeks Mobility mobile application.
To assign virtual cards to users, you must purchase the Codeks Virtual Card license code, which adds the appropriate number of virtual cards for employees to your system.
*** All newer Codeks systems whose main Codeks license was first activated AFTER October 1, 2021, WILL REQUIRE at least one Codeks Virtual Controller license to enable mobile T&A registration through the Codeks Mobility app. This license also enables the geographical restriction of the area around the point of the virtual controller, where employees are still
allowed to register their working hours via mobile app.
In newer systems, users will be able to register an T&A event only if they are located within the allowable distance from the point of the virtual controller.
The Codeks Mobility application has a wide range of uses. Using the NFC function of mobile devices, it is possible to register the work hours of employees at remote locations using the JANTAR NFC SPOT point via the Codeks Mobility mobile application. It is also possible to register several employees on one mobile device via the Codeks Mobility mobile application.
Using the NFC mobile technology, employees can register at remote locations by scaning the JANTAR NFC SPOT installed on site with their mobile device and the registering with the Codeks Mobility app.
Another way of using the NFC technology is for registering the T&A of multiple employees on the same mobile device. Employees bring their (MIFARE) card closer to the phone of, for example, their construction site manager and thus register in the Codeks Mobility application.
What do you need to implement a time and attendance system?
The purpose of a time attendance record is to precisely record the employees’ arrival at work and departure from work, time spent at the lunch break, absence due to work-related or private reasons, late arrivals, early departures from work, times off in lieu, leaves, sick leaves, etc. In combination with good work organisation and a stimulative reward system, a time attendance record can lead to major savings for the company and at the same time improve human resource managementi. For implementing time & attendance, you require time & attendance controllers, identification means and time & attendance software. In more complex systems, additional readers can be added and connected to time & attendance controllers.
Time & attendance controllers
Time & attendance controllers are used for recording employees’ arrivals at work and departures from work. They also record the time spent at the lunch break, absences due to work-related or private reasons, late arrivals, early departures from work, times off in lieu, leaves, sick leaves, etc. Time & attendance is implemented in such a way that the employee holds their contactless card against the controller when arriving at work or departing from work at regular or irregular hours and the controller records/registers the event. The employee can immediately check the correctness of the recorded event on the display of the time & attendance controller.
Identification means
Different identification means can be used to identify employees when registering their time & attendance (contactless cards, wrist bands or key tags, etc.).
In larger and more complex time and attendance systems additional readers can be used, which are then connected to the time & attendance controller.
Time & attendance hardware must be connected to a server, where the time & attendance software is running.
A more or less complex time & attendance programme, which grants individual owners of identification means their time & attendance rights and records their time & attendance, is running on the computer.
Codeks Mobility
The Codeks Mobility mobile app allows employees to register their work hours with the help of their smartphones, and also allows the use of the NFC function.
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