Do you wish for a reliable control over who enters your business premises and to track their movement throughout the building? Maybe restrict access to the rooms where you keep sensitive data and expensive equipment? Or do you simply wish to replace traditional keys and locks with more secure and flexible control methods?
What do you need to implement an access control system?
Simple access control

For the purpose of implementing simple access control, you require standalone access controllers as well as appropriate identification means (cards, key tags, PIN codes, etc.) in addition to electric locks.
Simple access control systems do not require a connection to the server or additional software.
Standalone access controllers
Standalone access controllers are sufficient for simple access control. Both the reader, which reads identification means, and the controller, which operates the electronic lock, are installed in the same housing.
Special controller versions are also equipped with a keyboard for entering a numerical code (coded keypad). Standalone controllers do not require a connection to a computer or any additional software for their operations.
Identification means
Unlocking and locking is triggered by an identification means (contactless card, wristband or key tag, remote button, fingerprint, etc.) or by entering a numerical code via a keyboard.
Electric locks
All doors leading into a room to which we wish to limit entry or exit must be equipped with an electric lock, which is connected to a control device (controller).Advanced access control

In addition to electronic locks and identification means, more demanding access control systems require a more complex hardware. In this case, readers for identification means are installed in their own housing and separated from the advanced access controllers, which are installed on the secure side of a passage.
Access control hardware in more demanding systems is connected to the server where the access control software is running.
Advanced access controllers
Our advanced access controllers intergrate control electronics for locking and unlocking electric locks, power supply for powering locks and readers, as well as support for battery charging. In some cases, a TCP/IP communication converter is also integrated.
One or more readers are connected to an individual access controller (1, 2 or 4 readers). An arbitrary number of controllers can be successively connected to each other into a communication line, at the end of which is a communication converter, via which the entire controller line is connected to the computer.
In more demanding access control systems, readers of contactless identification means or fingerprints are built into their own housings and separated from access controllers.
Access control hardware (especially in more demanding systems) is connected to a server, where the access control software is running.
A more or less complex access control programme, which grants individual owners of identification means their access rights and records all events which are detected by the access control system (entry, exit, unauthorised entry attempt, etc.), is running on the computer.
Operating principle of the access control system
The operating principle of the access control system is simple:
1. Registration on the reader
All users who wish to enter at a certain access point have to prove that they have the authorisation for entering at that entry point. This is achieved by presenting their personal identification means to the reader by the entrance.

Identification means assigned to users can vary: contactless cards or key tags, numerical codes, remote controls, fingerprints, etc.
2. The controller’s response – the opening of doors
The reader reads the ID means and sends the read information to the access controller. The access controller compares the provided information with the list of all users and rights and based on that approves or refuses entry to the user.

The reader usually also gives the user feedback on the approval or rejection of the request (e.g. sound signal or change in the colour of the signalling light on the reader).
3. Connection to the server
The access controller records all events in its diary, which it then transfers to the server where the Codeks AC access control software, which manages the entire system, is located.

Codeks AC forms the brains of the system and determines the rights and limitations for individuals or groups of users and then sends the lists of users and their rights to controllers.
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