Connecting Codeks to Gmail account via OAuth2 standard

Starting September 30, 2024, Google is introducing changes to access Gmail mail accounts. According to the new version, access will only be possible via the OAuth security standard, which means that access with just a password will be disabled. All users who use a Gmail account to send e-mails from the Codeks program must upgrade Codeks to 10.2404.4.2133 and properly connect Codeks to their Gmail account via the OAuth standard before this date.

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Warning about the update license expiration

If you see a red text banner when you sign in to the Codeks application that writes “Warning! UpdatesLicenceExpiring – Updates license is about to expire May 2, 2021 …” or “Warning! UpdatesLicenceExpired – Updates license has expired May 2, 2021 …”, this means that your existing installed version of the Codeks software will continue to run UNINTERRUPTED and UNLIMITED, however, after this date you will no longer be able to update your Codeks system to new versions of the software.

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Starting March no more free upgrades to Codeks V10

No more free upgrades to Codeks V10

The upgrade from the Codeks V9 to the Codeks V10 software version will only be free of charge until 28 February 2019. Starting March 2019 upgrades from Codeks V9 to the Codeks V10 will still be possible, however, users will be charged for both the upgrade and software.

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