Connecting Codeks to Gmail account via OAuth2 standard

Starting September 30, 2024, Google is introducing changes to access Gmail mail accounts. According to the new version, access will only be possible via the OAuth security standard, which means that access with just a password will be disabled. All users who use a Gmail account to send e-mails from the Codeks program must upgrade Codeks to 10.2404.4.2133 and properly connect Codeks to their Gmail account via the OAuth standard before this date.

You can read or download the instructions for connecting the Codeks program to a Gmail account via the OAuth2 standard at the link below.


If you did not edit the settings in time and you noticed that sending e-mails from the Codeks program does not work correctly, edit them now. After properly connecting the Codeks program to your Gmail account as per the instructions above, sending emails should work properly again.

You only need to edit these settings once