Codeks Hotel is an add-on for the Codeks software, which requires at least the Codeks AC application for its background operation. The Codeks Hotel add-on is designed to be used in small or medium-sized hotels. The Codeks Hotel add-on includes tools for managing hotel reservations and tools for controlling access to individual hotel rooms and other hotel areas.

Codeks Hotel Reservation overview
The Reservation overview is the main editor through which you can manage the reservations and guest data. In the Reservation overview, you can view the monthly reservations spreadsheet and also add, edit and delete hotel reservations.
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Web technologies

The software is based on web technologies. The applications can be accessed via a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome).

Reservations and guests

The app manages the occupancy of rooms with reservations, which contain information about rooms and guests. You can also assign cards for accessing rooms via the reservation, while the application allows you to additionally enter detailed data on every guest.

Miscellaneous access means

Within the scope of the reservation, you can allocate one or more individual means of accessing hotel rooms to each guest. You can choose between cards, key tags and PIN codes, or allow guests to open the doors with a mobile app.

E-mail to guests

If your entries contain the e-mails of your hotel guests, you can simply use the Codeks Hotel add-on to send each of them a message containing the reservation details and granted access.

Access control for the entire hotel

In addition to granting access to hotel rooms, the software enables you to limit and control access to the joint facilities and other buildings of your hotel, e.g. opening of the main entrance, parking lot, wellness, etc.

Employee management

As Codeks Hotel operates as an add-on to the basic Codeks software, you can simultaneously make use of the entire functionality of the Codeks AC or Codeks TA application. Thus, you can also specify access rights and establish a time attendance record for your hotel staff in the same system.


The data on guests, reservations and room occupancy can be printed in the form of different reports.

Mobile app

With the help of the Codeks KeyKeeper mobile app, you can enable your guests to unlock their allocated room via a WiFi or Bluetooth connection.